Danik on his electric assist handcycle

E-assist handbike delivered to deserving 12 year old boy in Ukraine

  Two years ago we raised $8,500 to purchase and deliver two electric assist handcycles to Ukraine. In 2022, we delivered an electric assist Top End Force 3 to Agape Ukraine, a spinal cord injury rehab center in Lutsk Ukraine. It has been used by injured Ukraine war veterans as well as Daniil, a very sweet 12 year old boy who was injured in a gun accident when he was 9 years old. When we learned that his father was killed in action in the war last year, we felt he would be the perfect recipient of the second electric assist handcycle. We talked to his aunt, Kristina, and she said that they have ample space to store the handcycle, live close to some safe streets to bike on, and would be happy to show the bike off as part of our Get 1 Help 2 Program. We were able to deliver this handcycle to Danik (short for Daniil) and his family in Poland on August 31st, and they were able to bring it across the border and to their home in Zviagel Ukraine on September 1st. Below is the story about Danik, his incredible story of perseverance, and why he was the perfect candidate to receive the second electric handcycle.

    Danik and his twin brother, Marek, were born in 2011. Danik was always a very energetic child, riding his bike every day and playing outdoors constantly. He is a natural leader with a lot of charisma, so was usually the one directing his band of friends on their various adventures. One day in 2021 his father’s friend brought what was thought to be an unloaded gun that he left on the kitchen table. Danik was playing with his siblings when the single bullet that was in the gun went off and hit him in the stomach. He was rushed to the hospital where he spent two months in urgent care (a significant portion in a medically induced coma). Doctor’s gave him a 5% chance of survival, but somehow Danik pulled through. He spent another month in rehab at Agape before he was finally able to go home. He had to wear a tight corset around his torso as he was not able to receive a spinal fusion surgery in Ukraine as Russia invaded Ukraine and started bombing Kiev relentlessly. 

Danik getting helicopter evacuated to Kiev

Daniil had to be taken by helicopter to Kiev where he underwent four surgeries. Doctors gave him a 5% chance of survive.

 Danik went from a rambunctious little boy to being constantly scared of breaking his back. He suffered horrendous nerve pain and fell into a depression. His father had to massage him nightly just to get him to fall asleep. As he did not have any metal hardware to hold his spine together, his parents were desperate to find a solution. They were able to get Danik to Barcelona for the fusion surgery. A journey that was incredibly difficult to say the least. Fortunately they were met with some very positive news once Danik received a new set of scans. The bones in his spine actually healed and a fusion was no longer necessary. This was actually a big relief as he was still growing, which would have necessitated future surgeries that might be hard to get in Ukraine. Somehow getting rid of the corset and playing with his twin brother slowly brought back the good old positive and rambunctious Danik. Marek and Danik were even able to enjoy some swimming in the mediterranean sea during their stay in Barcelona. 

    Danik continued to go to the Agape rehab center once a year to gain new skills as a wheelchair user. Last year he was able to try the electric assist handcycle that we delivered to Agape in 2022. One of the physical therapists, Carrie, sent videos of him using the handcycle and we embarked on our one year journey to build and deliver an electric assist handcycle for Danik. 

 We met Danik, his twin brother Marek, his aunt Kristina, and mother Anzhelika in Szumin Poland. At this point Danik is three years post injury and popping wheelies on his wheelchair like a pro. Him and his brother glow with that “rambunctious boyish positivity” that is truly infectious. Not only do they manage to go on a bike ride, but also swim on some paddle boards, and collect sticks for a big campfire all in one day. Watching Marek help carry his paralyzed brother onto his paddle board was a pleasure to witness. Seeing them bike together side by side was emotional for his mother and his aunt. They all make such a good team, a factor I am sure has helped Danik overcome his disability and enjoy his childhood once again.

It has been a long journey from having a 5% chance of survival in a medically induced coma, but I am happy to say Danik has a high chance of overcoming any barriers his disability may throw at him. He has a very positive attitude towards life and am certain he will use his electric assist handcycle to its full potential. His aunt has offered to help others in Ukraine learn about the benefits of electric assist handcycling and I am sure Danik will inspire many by showing what can be done with the right attitude and the right set of tools. He is the perfect Able Bodied Ambassador and newest member of the Get 1 Help 2 Able Bodied community

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